
Did you know?

Phrases like “she asked for it” or “boys will be boys” justify bullies by nurturing a “culture of violence”.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the largest number of reports of violence was related to psychological and physical violence, intimidation, belittling, threats of eviction.

One in five citizens believes that movement control or communication control is not violence.

"Paint the world orange" is an international anti-violence slogan and each year the campaign has a special theme.

Two thirds of citizens believe that the problem of domestic violence is not given enough attention in Montenegro.

Factors that prevent women from reporting violence are fear of bullies, shame, distrust of institutions and legal measures.

Only every tenth citizen understands that the basis of violence is an imbalance of power between women and men, traditional and patriarchal relations.

The “16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women” campaign runs from November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to December 10, when International Human Rights Day is celebrated.

The most common assistance of women's NGOs to victims of violence are: interviews with the victim (51%), counseling (15%) direct prevention of violence (12%), psychosocial assistance, legal counseling, provision of accommodation and confidential services.

Campaign “16. days of activism against violence against women ", was established in 1991 at the initiative of the Institute for Global Women's Leadership when 6,000 organizations from 187 countries gathered.

47% of citizens would not report violence because it is a private matter, and they did not want to interfere.

The fight against violence against women begins with your belief in the victim.

In the first four months of the pandemic in Montenegro, the number of cases of violence increased by 30%.


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